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Arthur Dent Arthur Dent

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Submitted by arthur. on 2006-04-01 08:19 PM. improvementlinksphilosophyprojectsreading
Pause before committing to regular updates.

Not able to keep up to date at the moment.

Maintaining treadmill habit and starting hour per day routine maintenance habit this week. Have to delay philosophical and political studies and blogging (lastsuperpower and TPMCafe).

Started notes on philosophical foundations of mathematics but have to suspend that too.

Still read Set Theory and Philosophy but mainly have to attend to accommodation and family issues.

Finished Bremer "My Year in Iraq" as well as earlier finished Phillips "Losing Iraq". Will reference these when critiquing Pollack's Brookings institute crap.

Also now finished Ben-Menahem "Hilary Putnam" as well as Putnam "Representation and Reality".

Will have to write notes on all these.

Started "Fuck off its our turn now" to end of ch 2 but returned to borrow again later. Should also borrow "Wifework" again to make notes.

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Submitted by arthur. on 2006-03-13 09:05 AM. linksphilosophyreading
Moving on.

Well, I have managed to close lots of windows on "philosophy" etc by creating a first page of links with some very cryptic notes.

Somewhat distracted by catching up with Satanic Reds leaving lots of windows open to Occultism etc.

Also did setup treadmill in time for first day of temperature 36 degrees. Works out fine while watching TV - will have to look into possibility of reading while treadmilling - both hardcopy and screen.

Recommendation from Bill to use delicious noted and appreciated. Will checkout after I've both established habit of using this workspace and got current windows closed.

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Submitted by arthur. on 2006-03-06 04:28 PM. improvementlinksreading
First post and introduction.

I suddenly got the urge to setup this SimpleBlog while reading Brain Death by Dull Cubicle at Creating Passionate Users.

I currently have no "workspace" at all, personalized or otherwise and play no music at all. The first is deliberate and taken to extremes (running browser only from knoppix dvd in RAM with no permanent files on hd at all, while "camping" in temporary accommodation that could be made comfortable but has been left "bare" while becoming "cluttered").

I'm still not ready to put my thoughts down in writing for myself, let alone others, let alone for publication. But this semi-public/semi-private weblog could be helpful in preparing to do so.

I'm aware that others can read it, which will inhibit me in lots of ways, making this pretty useless as an indication of what I'm actually thinking and doing. But what I do write is written for my own clarification and self-organization.

Hopefully this will play several roles:

  1. At the very least, familiarization with "SimpleBlog".
  2. A very tentative initial substitute for a workspace (preliminary to setting up both full public home folder/website and desktop environment on PC and desktop in actual office/study).
  3. An initial place to keep links I currently have the browser open at. I currently have 14 Firefox windows open, with 11 tabs in the first, 30 in the second etc. Even while I am still in "just thinking/browsing" mode I am going to have to start organizing a links and references collection as one of the first projects in getting organized. Will be checking out delicious, biblio tools, integration with email based and plone based work environments etc etc but have to keep some track now.
  4. A partial record of projects I am working on or planning to work on so I can get started.
  5. A reasonably precise record of what I am reading (accuracy dependent on how well I maintain the links).
  6. Occasional musings on things I am thinking about (fairly inhibited).

If this does take off I'll replace this with an "always listed on top" introduction that explains the folders and categories etc which currently don't really exist so cannot be described. (That will also involve musings on the general "chicken and egg" problem central to materialist dialectics and the story of my life - "learn to swim by swimming").

Its 2006-03-07T0910+11 so I'm now off to spend a couple of hours reading the papers and either going for walk while also reading "Presentation and Reality" by Hilary Putnam or setting up treadmill which I know should be done today because the Melbourne Four Day Weather Forecast says its only going to get hotter and/or rainier in the next few days and I bought it at New Year (more than two months ago!) to avoid temptation to skip walking exercise during heatwaves/rain but haven't managed to get around to setting it up yet.

Partial excuse, I've been down with incipient cold/flu for the past few days.

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