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John Pilger on ABC Radio

(Published: 2004-03-26 05:41 PM)

BBC Survey

(Published: 2004-03-26 04:30 PM)
An opinion poll suggests most Iraqis feel their lives have improved since the war in Iraq began about a year ago. The survey, carried out for the BBC and other broadcasters, also suggests many are optimistic about the next 12 months and opposed to violence.

Syria's Dictatorship has an Achilles Heel

(Published: 2004-03-25 06:54 AM)
The Kurdish people are aware of a second Saddam (Assad), but we have to wait for the International Community to take a similar action as it happened in Iraq last year. A hundred miles must begin with a single step.

The Signatures Saved Iraq from Collapse

(Published: 2004-03-25 05:23 AM)
The process that led to the transitional law of Iraq is unique in the Middle East. Despite terror attacks and political assassinations, the political forces have refrained from accusations and retaliation and instead taken a path characterised by negotiations and compromises, writes Khaled Salih.

The second spring of freedom in the Middle East and the Kurds

(Published: 2004-03-21 12:00 AM)
The Middle East has to change; it needs to go back to its noble beginnings, where humanity took its first baby steps in the fields of light that separated us from the beasts of burden.

The Future and its Enemies

(Published: 2004-03-20 05:11 PM)

Barry York: The Future and its Enemies

(Published: 2004-03-20 04:59 PM)
(21/03/04) Barry York's review of Postrel's book 'The Future and its Enemies'

United Fronts

(Published: 2004-03-20 06:56 AM)

Hal Draper - Students in the 1930s

(Published: 2004-03-20 02:25 AM)

Analysing the pseudo-left

(Published: 2004-03-19 05:26 PM)

Stability, America's Enemy

(Published: 2004-03-19 09:16 AM)
A new century demands new ideas. The notion that stability is the fundamental strategic virtue is not going to be one of them.

Faith, Shame, and Insurgency

(Published: 2004-03-10 01:47 AM)

Feb.7, 2004: Speech by Barham Salih to the Socialist International

(Published: 2004-02-07 12:00 AM)
I as a Kurd and as an Iraqi, I know, perhaps more than others, that war is devastating and should be questioned. However, for us, this war was to end the brutal war that has been waged against the people of Iraq. It was a war to bring us the opportunity of peace and freedom. And I will tell you unequivocally we are grateful to the United States, United Kingdom, Spain, Poland, Italy and So many other nations that have come from a far to deliver us from tyranny and fascism. Moreover, being here in Spain I must offer our profound gratitude to the Spaniards who have come to help in our hour of need, and paid with their lives for freedom and justice.

Things, Processes, Dialectics, Individuals - Engels describes how understanding processes is a higher form of knowledge than understanding things, and that the things “... go through an uninterrupted change of coming into being and passing away, in which, in spite of all seeming accidentally and of all temporary retrogression, a progressive development asserts itself in the end”. Much of the commentary about Iraq is from commentators who understand some things, more or less, but do not understand the whole process in the same way that we understand it. Hence there might even be agreement about most of the facts but the interpretation of the facts might vary depending on our understanding of historical process and how some things can turn into their opposites in certain conditions (dialectics).

(Published: 2004-01-21 12:00 AM)
A discussion from the old LastSuperpower forum that was stimulated by an excerpt from Engels' article "Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy"

Debate with Clive Bradley - This is a long debate about the Iraq war between Clive Bradley, from the British Trotskyist group "Alliance for Worker's Liberty", and members of Last Superpower

(Published: 2003-12-03 12:00 AM)
Created by pault
Last modified 2004-11-18 07:37 AM

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