Kafa! Zero tolerance for racist thugs! "Most of us are here because we are INTOLERANT of violent thugs on either side and want to do something to stop them. Racists on both sides want surfies and lebs to fight each other. That's no way to enjoy the beach" - Proposed leaflet for distribution at Melbourne anti-racism rally on Sunday December 18.
Kafa ! Zero tolerance for racist thugs!
What's wrong with "surfies" organizing a large angry mob to protest against ongoing harassment by violent thugs determined to stop surfies enjoying themselves at the beach?
What's wrong with "lebs" arming themselves for revenge when they are beaten up by violent thugs determined to stop lebs enjoying themselves at the beach?
Most of us are here because we are INTOLERANT of violent thugs on either side and want to do something to stop them. Racists on both sides want surfies and lebs to fight each other. That's no way to enjoy the beach
Fighting racists on the other hand can be quite enjoyable. It's up to surfies to kick the "Patriotic" "Aryan" hate mongers off the beaches and it's up to Lebanese Lions to kick the Lebanese vultures off the beaches. In fact they can do it together.
Kafa! (“Enough”) was the slogan of the recent Lebanese revolution. Enough! is a pretty good slogan here too.
Learning from the gay movement
Sydney's gays and lesbians got sick of being bashed by thugs and organized for self-defence. They carried whistles and when the whistles were blown large crowds would gather and "heroic" thugs would run.
Of course the pseudo-leftists 1 here will tell us that all we can do is vote against Howard and attend rallies calling for the troops to be brought home from Iraq (ie to leave the Iraqis alone in their fight against fascists and racists).
They will explain that new laws against sedition are part of a government crackdown to intimidate free speech. But shock jocks like Alan Jones won't be prosecuted for encouraging surfies to fight lebs instead of fighting thugs. All he has to do to avoid prosecution is add the weasel words "but don't take the law into your own hands" - which he does. The same goes for us. We are perfectly free to blow the whistle on Alan Jones so that a large angry mob surrounds him wherever he goes. Just don't take the law into your own hands. Taking the law into your own hands used to be called "democracy".
Support the new Iraq!
Iraqis got sick of being beaten up by fascist thugs too. That's why eleven million of them just voted to establish a vibrant democracy - while pseudo-leftists continue to look the other way and say it's "Not in our name"! We support taking the law into our own hands there too.
www.lastsuperpower.net is a web site for people who want to take the law into their own hands. We support democratic revolution in the Middle East for the same reason we support enjoying the beach in Australia. We support using force to "impose" democracy and the right to enjoy the beach wherever it is challenged.
If you are bored by the pseudo-left and would like to join in discussions about building a genuine radical left, please come along to www.lastsuperpower.net and join in the discussion there..
1 pseudo left = blindly opposing whatever
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